Results for 'Anna Karynne Melo'

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    Fenomenologia da queixa depressiva em adolescentes: Um estudo crítico-cultural.Anna Karynne da Silva Melo & Virginia Moreira - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 27:51-64.
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    Oficina de Música Para Crianças e Adolescentes, Clínica Ético-Política e Formação: Relatos de Experiências Discentes.Stephan Malta Oliveira, Lissa Leonor Chaves Carvalho, Danielle Fernanda da Silva, Ana Carolina de Freitas Melo, Lucas Pereira Jacques & Anna Beatriz Justen Dos Santos - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-25.
    Buscamos, com o presente artigo, investigar o impacto da práxis de um Projeto de Extensão Universitária, que consiste em oficinas de música para crianças e adolescentes com o que designamos autismo ou outras neurodivergências, sobre a formação discente, levando em consideração as dimensões clínica e ético-política da ação extensionista. Dividimos a metodologia em duas partes: a primeira corresponde à revisão bibliográfica tipo narrativa, por meio da qual abordamos textos da fenomenologia da vida e das éticas da alteridade, comunitária e da (...)
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    Annas, Julia. Intelligent Virtue.Santiago Melo - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):169-173.
    Se indaga la relación que se da en la República entre los dos significados de ousia: como propiedad en el sentido de posesiones y riqueza, o en el sentido de esencia o sustancia. Aparte de las relaciones económicas asociadas al préstamo, al intercambio y al interés, se examina la función que, respecto de la ousia, cumple la moneda en la economía como recurso para disociar la riqueza de las posesiones, con lo cual logra un nivel de universalidad y equivalencia equiparable (...)
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    Reseña de "Intelligent Virtue" de Annas, Julia.Santiago Melo - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):174-180.
  5. Koncepcja harmoniki Arystoksenosa z Tarentu.Anna Maria Laskowska - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:45-56.
    In his treatise "Elementa harmonica," Aristoxenus of Tarentum formulated a distinctive philosophical framework within the realm of sound exploration, deviating from the harmonics theory advanced by the Pythagoreans. A pivotal disparity lies in the methodological approach to research. Aristoxenus posited meticulous observation of acoustic phenomena as the foundational step in all inquiries, constituting a fundamental criterion for truth. He asserted that perception alone could authenticate the fidelity of the observed state of affairs. Aristoxenus vehemently opposed the Pythagorean disregard for auditory (...)
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  6. Visual processing without awareness: Evidence from unilateral neglect.Anna Berti & G. Rizzolatti - 1992 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 4:345-51.
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  7. Voice and Representation in the Politics of Difference.Anna Yeatman - 1993 - In Sneja Marina Gunew & Anna Yeatman (eds.), Feminism and the politics of difference. St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. pp. 228--245.
  8. Lévinas en Russie: une philosophie inattendue, dérangeante, incontournable.Anna Yampolskaya - 2008 - Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes 7.
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    The origins of life.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Understanding life through its origins reveals the groundwork underlying the differentiations of its autonomous generative matrixes. Following the primogenital matrix of generation, the three generative matrixes of the specifically human sense of life establish humanness within the creative human condition as the existential sphere of sharing-in-life.
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  10. Segno E tempo meta-fisica Del possibile in Henri Bergson.Anna Maria Treppiedi - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):179-196.
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  11. " Sorry" does not pay my bills. The handling of complaints in everyday interaction and cross-cultural business interaction.Anna Trosborg & Philip Shaw - 1998 - Hermes 21:67-94.
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  12. The performance of legal discourse.Anna Trosborg - 1992 - Hermes 9:9-19.
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    An application of Mizar MSE in a course in logic.Anna Zalewska - 1987 - In Jan T. J. Srzednicki (ed.), Initiatives in logic. Boston: M. Nijhoff. pp. 224--230.
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  14. Semantic and Categorial Structure of Interrogatives.Anna Brożek - 2010 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 27:211-240.
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  15. Theologiestudium im digitalen Zeitalter.Anna Puzio & Thomas Hanke (eds.) - 2021 - Herder.
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    Rational by shock: a reply to Brandt.Anna Kusser - 1998 - In Christoph Fehige & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Preferences. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 78--87.
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    O Erotykach Franciszka Dionizego Kniaźnina.Anna Rogala - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 2 (2):51 - 61.
    The article presents four erotic poems by Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin: Spocznienie, Z Anakreonta, Ognie młodości and Pasterka, together with an editorial compilation. All poems come from the first book of Erotics published in 1779 and the goal underlying their selection was to present the variety of motifs intertwining in this anthology. The book has its direct addressee, namely the mythological Roman goddess of love, and a considerable part of Kniaznin’s erotics are dedicated to this emotion in which Cupid, Venus and (...)
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  18. O dwu zasadach identyfikacji treści w Davidsonowskiej teorii przekonań.Anna Rykowska - 2001 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 39 (3):139-156.
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  19. Problem wyboru a liberalny model człowieka w dobie globalizacji.Anna Seweryn - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:21-42.
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    Some ontological speculations: Ramsey on particulars, universals and facts.Anna-Sofia Maurin & Nils-Eric Sahlin - 2005 - Metaphysica 3 (3):7-28.
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    When Christians Were Jews: The First Generation.Anna Sapir Abulafia - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (2):310-310.
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    Josephus’ Nabataeans: a vision of Roman power in the Near East.Anna Accettola - 2020 - Journal of Ancient History 8 (2):256-280.
    Nabataean history is significantly overlooked in the works of ancient historians. Josephus is an exception to this, as he includes several important events from Nabataean history in De Bello Judaico and Antiquitates Judaicae. However, his retelling of these events differs between the two works. In this paper, I argue that Josephus became more “pro-Roman” over time and eventually overshadowed an accurate portrayal of Nabataean history in his later narrative. He undermined moments of tension between Rome and Nabataea in order to (...)
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    LGBTQ Identities and Hermeneutical Injustice at the Border.Anna Boncompagni - 2021 - Humana Mente 14 (39).
    This paper applies the framework of epistemic injustice to the context of the asylum process, arguing that asylum seekers are typically at risk of this kind of injustice, which consists in their not being considered credible and not being listened to due to prejudices toward their social identity. More specifically, I address hermeneutical injustice in the adjudication of LGBTQ asylum claims, as well as the possibility of developing practices of hermeneutical justice in this context. I start with a general analysis (...)
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  24. The extended mind in ontological entanglements.Anna Marmodoro - 2011 - In Anna Marmodoro & Jonathan Hill (eds.), The Metaphysics of the Incarnation. Oxford University Press USA.
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    Zagadnienie tak zwanego aksjomatu G. Fregego.Anna Kozanecka - 2005 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 53 (2):125-144.
    In the initial part of the article Frege\'s texts are analyzed in order to present his position on the question of denotation of propositions and the fragment points to the motives that made Frege recognize logical value as the denotation of proposition. In its further part the article presents the position taken in this question by commentators of Frege\'s thought. In the final part of the article it is shown what shape two versions of Frege\'s axiom (semantic and ontological) formulated (...)
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    The Essence of Life in Context of Biological Information.Anna Latawiec - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 44:45-51.
    The main purpose of the paper is to justify the thesis that the presence of biological information is conditional for existence and persistence of life. We will begin with the notion of biological information. In this proposition information is identified with impact, and it is shown the dependence of its location and functioning on the level of organization of animate matter. In accordance with a suggestion of Thomas Aquinas, it seems that precisely information is the reason for the appearance of (...)
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  27. Kilka uwag o zdeterminowaniu przyrody.Anna Lemanska - 2003 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 39 (2):221-235.
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    Matematyka a przyroda w ujęciu abpa Józefa Życińskiego.Anna Lemańska - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (4):283-296.
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    A interação homem-máquina na psicoterapia.Sérgio Alberto Nascimento Melo Junior, Caio Leite de Aguiar, Larissa Kalyne Silva da Cunha & Jean Carlos Rodrigues Brustolin - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:335-347.
    A implementação de tecnologias móveis de informação e comunicação no suporte à Saúde Mental tem atraído a atenção das autoridades. Com a ascensão das Inteligências Artificiais, esse movimento pode ser impulsionado de maneira exponencial. Nesse cenário, esta revisão tem como objetivos verificar a aplicabilidade das Inteligências Artificiais (IAs) na Saúde Mental e analisar os aspectos que favorecem a relação entre IAs e usuários. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, no período (...)
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    La nozione aristotelica di 'per sé' e la tradizione esegetica.Anna Marmodoro - 2000 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 11:1-34.
    Abstract: I examine the different classifications of the various senses of per se which Aristotle offers in his logical works and in his Metaphysics, and propose an original account of them explaining their interrelations.
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  31. Properties.Anna-Sofia Maurin - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Although the subject matter of this Element is properties, do not expect in-depth introductions to the various views on properties 'on the market'. Instead, here that subject matter is treated meta-philosophically. Rather than ask and try to answer a question like do properties exist? this Element asks what reasons one might have for thinking that properties exist, what counts as solving that problems, as well as how we ought to proceed when trying to find out if properties exist. As it (...)
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    Segelberg on Unity and Complexity.Anna-Sofia Maurin - 2013 - In Helge Malmgren (ed.), Botany and Philosophy: Essays on Ivar Segelberg.
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  33. Pojęcia wartości i celu nauki w świetle teorii aktów mowy Jürgena Habermasa.Anna Michalska - 2011 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 47 (189):373-390.
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  34. Jak mierzyć efektywność działań Public relations.Anna Miotk - 2008 - Prakseologia 148 (148):161-170.
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    Milczenie Heideggera. Uwagi na marginesie fragmentów \"Bycia i czasu\".Anna Możdżeń - 2007 - Filo-Sofija 7 (1(7)):163-172.
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  36. Transcendentalna filizofia kultury Ernsta Cassirera - tradycja a współczesność.Anna Musioł - 2010 - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (2):103-114.
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    Pensiero e immagini: tradizione e innovazione nelle opere di Bruno e Campanella.Anna Cerbo (ed.) - 2001 - Napoli: Libreria Dante & Descartes.
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  38. Emotion in the Language of Prayer.Anna I. Corwin & Taylor W. Brown - 2020 - In Sonya E. Pritzker, Janina Fenigsen & James MacLynn Wilce (eds.), The Routledge handbook of language and emotion. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
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    Tomismo ieri e oggi: nel primo centenario della nascita di Carlo Giacon.Anna Fabriziani & Carlo Giacon (eds.) - 2001 - Padova: Gregoriana libreria.
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  40. Grenzgänge der Ethik.Anna Puzio (ed.) - 2020 - Münster: Aschendorff.
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    Il "cominciamento" in Hegel.Anna Giannatiempo Quinzio - 1983 - Roma: Ed. di Storia e Letteratura.
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  42. Проблеми підвищення професійно-етичного рівня державних службовців як складової реформування системи державної служби.Anna Radionova & Svitlana Marova - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):65-69.
    This article considers the concept of civil servants professionalism as a part of the image of the civil service. The paper examines the basic principles and standards of public service. Examining the problem of formation of civil servants professional and ethical standards and the ways to improve them, the authors conclude that the singularity of the professional ethics of civil servant is in his being knowledgeable about the peculiarities of the appropriate sector under control. In fact, the increase of his (...)
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  43. Imagining from the inside.Anna Christina Ribeiro - unknown
    The cinematic technique of point-of-view shots is meant to give spectators a film character’s point-ofview. In ‘Imagining from the Inside’, Murray Smith claims that point-of-view shots allow viewers to ‘imagine seeing as the character does’ and this imagining in turn promotes imagining the character ‘from the inside’, thereby fostering empathy with the character. I argue, against Smith, that the cinematic technique of point-of-view shots does not prompt viewers to ‘imagine seeing as the character does’ for two reasons: first, such shots (...)
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    I believe in God..Anna Virena Rice - 1934 - New York,: The Womans press.
  45. Questioning the politics of human augmentation technologies.Anna Roessing & Tom Hobson - 2022 - In Danielle Sands (ed.), Bioethics and the Posthumanities. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  46. O Burge'a sposobach unikania ekwiwokacji.Anna Rykowska - 2008 - Diametros 16:41-62.
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  47. O nieuchwytności odniesienia przedmiotowego w Donalda Davidsona teorii znaczenia.Anna Rykowska - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:61-78.
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  48. Islam.Anna Gade - 2007 - In John Corrigan (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Emotion. Oup Usa.
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  49. Socialist socrates-Ernst Bloch in the GDR.Anna-Sabine Ernst & Gerwin Klinger - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 84:6-21.
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  50. Czy maszyny, które ogrywają nas w szachy, myślą?Anna Wójtowicz - 2009 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45 (1):57-69.
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